How to Care for Your Skin When You’re 60 or Older

Melanie Bacelisco | March 14, 2022

Melanie Bacelisco | March 14, 2022


How to Care for Your Skin When You’re 60 or Older

We all must take care of our skin at a younger age, even more so when we reach 60. When people enter the golden years, changes in the skin are inevitable. However, that doesn’t mean you just have to go with the flow and let those changes hinder you from still having youthful, glowing skin. All it takes is a good skincare regime that you can add to your daily routine.

Skin Care Tips for People in Their 60s

There is an array of gentle, organic, and anti-aging skin care products in the market today. It can be confusing to choose. To start, you should consult a dermatologist to check your skin type and which products will work best for you. 

Here are other things you can do: 

Stay Away from the Sun

How can I glow my skin after 60? The first rule of thumb when caring for your skin when you’re 60 or older is to stay away from the sun. While it’s true that sunlight is an essential element to keep you healthy, staying under it for too long can damage your skin. It doesn’t matter if you already see age spots, wrinkles, or whatever you may have on your skin. You must still protect it from the harmful effect of UV rays coming from the sun. If being under the sun longer than you should is unavoidable, make sure to apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

Cleanse Your Skin

Contrary to what many may believe, cleansing your skin shouldn’t only happen at the end of the day. Especially for seniors, you must begin your day with some nice dab of a gentle skin cleanser on your face and neck. Then do it once more before you go to bed. What skincare should I use in my 60s? Since your skin is more sensitive, you should use gentle cleansers that are non-drying but still purify your skin. Avoid soap at all costs. Your dermatologist can recommend skin care products that suit your skin type. These products can help with skin renewal, keep it oxygenated, and ultimately keep your skin in good health.

Change Your Bath Routine

The older we become, the drier our skin gets. Hence, it’s essential to watch out for your routine and the products you use when bathing. One of the ways how to take care of skin after 50, 60, or 70 is to replace your bar soap with a gentle and creamy liquid bath soap that contains moisturizers and emollients. Also, keep the water temperature lukewarm, not hot. Hot water will get your skin even drier as it strips out the skin’s natural oil. Don’t stay in the bathroom longer than ten minutes. Once done, simply pat your skin dry with a soft towel or cloth, do not rub. Apply a fragrance-free moisturizer while there are still droplets of water on your skin to make it easier to absorb.

Exfoliate Your Skin Gently

How can I rejuvenate my 60-year-old skin? Exfoliate. When you reach the age of 60, your skin no longer renews itself every 28 days. It needs your assistance to stimulate its regeneration. That’s why you need to exfoliate your skin but do it gently so that you don’t damage it. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells to keep your skin radiant and glowing. Make sure to use a gentle face or body scrub and lightly massage in a circular motion. But remember, you only have to do it once in two weeks, not daily.

Hydrate and Moisturize Your Skin

Remember how you made sure that you consistently applied moisturizer and hydrator to your skin when you were younger? Well, you shouldn’t stop doing so just because you’re 60 years old. In fact, you must hydrate and moisturize your skin now more than ever. Besides using hydrating products, one of the ways how to hydrate aging skin naturally is to drink plenty of water or eat fruits and veggies rich in water. When it comes to moisturizing, you must use one specific to your age. You will see many different brands that say “anti-aging” on the label. Apply it once in the morning and in the evening every day to help control the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that you get when your skin is constantly dry.

Cover Your Hands

The skin on our hands gets older, too, and thus, also needs care. Make sure to wear gloves whenever you do chores around the house, such as gardening, washing dishes or clothes, or even cleaning the bathroom. The products you use for house cleaning contain chemicals that may damage the skin cells of your hands. Make sure to apply a gentle lotion when you’re done with your housework.

Wrapping Up

Caring for your skin is a continuous process. No matter what age you’re in right now, you must not stop the things that you do to protect your skin so that you still keep that glow even when you become 60. More importantly, maintain a healthy diet because it’s what you put inside your body that matters most at the end of the day.