
While this pandemic has brought us tremendous stress, anxiety, and unrest, it has opened several opportunities for virtual talents. If you’re frequently online, you may have noticed changes in the way people use social media. 

A couple of days ago, I saw a post of a friend selling fresh fruits. 

Another friend was selling snacks and deserts. 

I thought, “why are they trying to sell things when people don’t have money?” 

Yet to my surprise, many commented and were interested to buy.

Despite us losing jobs because of the current situation, our needs remain the same. 

Our need for food, clothing, and medicines don’t diminish. In fact, they’ve increased during this period. 

So just imagine the opportunities this pandemic is placing in our table. 

I’m not only talking about opportunities to earn online but also to help. 

Now, if you’re one of those who’ve been wondering how it is to work online, today’s the best time to start seeking work opportunities. 

Yes! It’s during this pandemic period that earning opportunities are swarming. 

People’s needs are only highlighted by this pandemic. 

So if you have any skill to offer in exchange for earning some income, make sure you seize this chance. 

And if you have zero experience in any type of online work, but you’re willing to learn, there’s no second to wait. Hop on the bandwagon!

Check out why right now is the best time to shift into freelancing.

1. Businesses are moving online.

Our needs haven’t changed one bit during this time. 

Only the way we obtain them, which is online instead of our usual shopping at the mall. 

Thus, we’re seeing a spike on online shopping and the use of e-commerce sites to get access to our basic needs, such as groceries and medications. 

For businesses to thrive in this “new normal”, the most logical thing to do is change the buying environment. 

In short, move the business online. 

You’ve noticed it for sure. 

Yoga and fitness studios are now offering online classes. 

E-learning companies, coaches, and course creators are doing product launches. 

This is proof that even though we struggle with the pandemic, opportunities are presenting themselves. 

Currently, there are 7.1 Million Etailers or online retailers in the world. 

They need people with skills to market their business over the internet. 

Let alone, brick and mortar stores have moved their operations online, too. 

And that’s where you come in to help.

Therefore, opportunities are abundant, and online is the best place to market products at this period of time. 

The idea that jobs are inadequate isn’t true. 

2. Several online courses are free.

E-learning companies are offering premium courses for free. 

Others have cut the cost of their programs for up to 90 percent. 

Therefore, today is an appropriate time to learn any skill without paying anything. 

Some of these online learning platforms even offer certifications without additional cost at all. 

For example, from March 1 to April 15, Digital Marketer offered free access to all of the courses in their lab. 

This included basic to advance or mastery level of skill education. Literally, everything in their lab. 

The catch? I just needed to create a free account and that’s it. 

The best thing was they also issued certifications after I completed the courses and passed the assessments. 

I got certified on two courses – Content Marketing and Direct Response Copywriting. 

Others I know have gotten over 5 certifications from Digital Marketer. 

Imagine having access to premium courses without paying a dime and getting certified after. 

The certifications helped boost my LinkedIn portfolio.

Coursera and Udemy also gave away their programs with minimal or no fee. 

Even local freelancers organized free webinars and shared a lot of tips about getting started in freelancing.

Those were the months when learning opportunities were like an overflowing fountain. 

But it didn’t end in April. 

Even now, course launchers are still giving away free or huge savings on their programs. 

So what’s stopping you today? 

Now is the time to learn a profitable freelancing skill. 

If you’re already freelancing, then perhaps it’s time to add a skill or two on your arsenal.

3. Support groups are more active.

The opportunities during this pandemic have created a ripple effect. 

Since course creators are launching programs here and there, they’re more active to answer questions in support groups.

Some long-time freelancers in an FB group I’m in were very kind to share their freelancing tips with me. 

Once, I asked a few of them why would they share their knowledge. 

I know others would hesitate to share what they know, especially if we’re talking about strategies from an expensive course they’d signed up on. 

They said it’s their way to give back during this hard time. 

When I think about it, they’re right. 

In reality, anyone can help in their own way. You. Me. Anyone. 

We don’t have to be rich to give any type of support to anyone who needs it. 

I thought only medical workers could give help. 

But on another angle, there’s a way for freelancers to help, too. 

Now, that many people have lost their jobs or can’t go to work because of the quarantine, the best option for them to eke out a living is to try online jobs. 

If you’re new to freelancing, decide on what skill you want to learn and master it. 

Then find an expert in your chosen niche and emulate what he does. 

Check out this expert in social media. 

If this person has a website, read it.

Also, subscribe to the email list. If you’re in this expert’s email list, this person will be more enthusiastic to answer any questions you have. 

Most importantly, ask questions nicely. 

Don’t be a brat and ask access to a premium course this expert has done before. 

That’s not ethical at all. 

4. People are keen on building networks.

No matter what online channel you focus on to build your network, people are eager to connect now more than before.  

If you send a friend or connection request to anyone, it’s likely it will be accepted. 

However, be polite in asking someone to join your network as that will reflect your personality. 

In my case, I mostly use LinkedIn to build my network. 

It’s easier to just click the Connect button to send a request. 

But, adding a short note increases your chance of getting a favorable response. 

Also, don’t miss a golden opportunity to let the person know why you want to connect with them. 

If you include a short note of what you do and who you are, the more you only attract potential prospects or people who are likely to get your service. 

For example, you can say something like:

“Hey Peter, I’m Melanie, a senior healthcare copywriter. It appears we have some mutual connections and are in the same group (Name of the group here). We seem to share a similar interest, so I’d like to connect – please accept if you’re open to that. 

All the best, 


Short but sweet. You’re giving the person an idea of what you do.

Some of the people you send connections to may show an interest in working with you.

So rather than just clicking the Connect button, add some personal touch to it.

Final Thoughts

Don’t think twice whether online work is for you or not. 

It just boils down to your willingness and persistence to make it work for you. 

Because you know what? 

Many people think that finding a job online is easy. 

But let me tell you, it’s not. It’s simple, but it’s not easy. 

It’s neither a get rich quick scheme. 

If you’re really serious about making money online, you need to have a system in place. 

Most of the time, this system is simple and boring. 

So you really need to be consistent with your effort as that’s the only way you can see results.

It’s the only way for you to get clients to hire you.   

Want to connect with me? Click here.